Demain Chanel défile au Grand Palais.
A voir.
In Paris, the Fashion Week is launched. I do not know if people are happy.
Galliano, the star designer has been fired by LVMH group because of his (very) stupid behaviour. As Suzy Menkes, the famous "New York Times" fashion, said 'there is pathos in the vision of one of the world's most famous -and best paid- designers alone, clutching a glass in a bar'.
Tomorrow is Chanel's Ready-to-We ar 2011/12 show at Grand Palais (Paris).
Will see.
Hier je suis allée à l'exposition de photos de Kirk Dougland consacrées à Coco Chanel.
Il était interdit de faire des photos. j'ai donc repris des clichés de l'express Styles et du site LaChanelphile.
En 1962, alors qu'il n'a que 27 ans, Douglas Kirkland est engagé par le magazine Look pour photographier Coco Chanel. Agée de plus de 70 ans, elle est une icône de la mode. Pendant trois semaines, Kirkland suit Chanel de son studio à son appartement. Les clichés racontent l'agenda surchargé de la couturière et la montre entourée de ses mannequins, assistantes, petites mains, clientes et amies.
The Douglas Kirkland's exhibition "Coco Chanel - Photographs 1962" is in Hong Kong until the middle of March.
I went there yesterday. Photograph was forbidden. Pics come from l'Express Styles and La Chanelphile.
In 1962, at the age of 27, photographer Douglas Kirkland received an assigment from Look Magazine to photograph Mademoiselle Chanel for a story on the woman who had become by now, in her late 70s, a legendary fashion icon. For a period of three weeks, Kirkland shadowed Coco Chanel, from her design studio to her private apartments, throughout her intense schedule and daily routine, surrounded by models, seamstresses, clients and friends.
Elle s'amuse. She plays.
Après le défilé, Coco Chanel entourée des mannequins et des petites mains. After the show Coco Chanel, models and staff in the dressing room.
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